Archives de l’auteur : JLL

Testimony on SQALE

From Dr Israel Gat – Cutter Consortium Fellow and Director, Agile Practice – who uses SQALE for performing Technical Debt Assessments.

Context over Content

“Context over Content” is my mantra in just about every consulting engagement I carry out these days. You will literally hear me tell my clients something like “Values, principles and practices are, of course, extremely important. However, as far as this engagement is concerned the only thing that really matter is how we will jointly apply them in your specific context – your needs, your resources, your predicaments, and your constraints.” In the domain of software quality evaluation, I find SQALE – Software Quality Assessment based on Life Cycle Expectations – a great tool for implementing my mantra. It interprets source code analysis in terms of what really matters in the specific client environment. In so doing, it transforms an overwhelming set of measurement data to actionable insights which are meaningful at multiple levels of the firm.”

Israel Gat, January 2012