The SQALE Indices
For any element of the source code portfolio, the SQALE Method defines the following set of indices:
SQALE Characteristic indices:
- SQALE Testability Index: STI
- SQALE Reliability Index: SRI
- SQALE Changeability Index: SCI
- SQALE Efficiency Index: SEI
- SQALE Security Index: SSI
- SQALE Maintainability Index: SMI
- SQALE Portability Index: SPI
- SQALE Reusability Index: SRuI
The SQALE Quality Index: SQI which measures the Technical Debt
The SQALE Business Index: SBII which measures the importance of the debt
Consolidated and density indices (see the complete list in the definition document)
The SQALE Indicators
The SQALE Method defines 4 synthesised indicators. They provide powerful analysis capabilities and support optimised decisions for managing source code quality and Technical Debt.